The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Sati Saraniya Hermitage
2017-11-12 How Do I Save That Moth? 20:06
Ayya Medhanandi
The Winter of the World is here… How do we bear it? What does the mind need in order to open to the teachings? Dana. Sila. Generosity and virtue. Cultivating generosity, starting with the material, can mature into acts of sharing one’s time, energy, abilities, kindness and compassion. Let us cherish these noble qualities and develop them in a boundless way, for all beings. The Buddha advises us how to be fearless and present with a loved one near death. A talk given at Sati Saraniya Hermitage in November, 2017.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2017-10-15 Choose Love Not Sorrow 20:41
Ayya Medhanandi
We can be kind to anyone with practice. So start where you are and trust this practice of kindness. Even in the face of painful times, reflect wisely – not to be poisoned by fear, despair, or sorrow. Rather see the truth within and open a well-spring of infinite love in your own heart. For you are the hero of your life. First, we slay the dragons of fear and aggression. Gently and resolute, break them apart and extend kindness to all as to yourself. To accept the miracle of pure awareness – patient, diligent, with unwavering compassion, draw out the dart of sorrow and know the gift of love.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2017-09-15 Imina Punya - Sharing of Blessings Chant in Pali 3:52
Ayya Medhanandi
Chanting the sharing of the blessings of our practice for the benefit of all beings
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2017-08-11 Turning to Dust: Death Contemplations 26:36
Ayya Medhanandi
The nine-cemetary contemplations presented in the Satipatthana Sutta work with elemental perspectives on the parts of the body by simulating their condition after death.  The clarity of mind realized in these special practices sheds light on how valuable death contemplations are for a wholesome and happy life.  Not only does the mind gain immense lucidity and peace, but we are able to access and develop special qualities of mental composure, joy and discernment.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2017-05-22 When You Get Close to the Sun 19:40
Ayya Medhanandi
What can protect us from the repercussions of negative and unwholesome mind states? Begin the journey, the archeology of our own heart. It’s a total cleansing. Like a mountain climber, we ascend the interior slopes and our burden lightens. We clear it out moment by moment. Whatever misfortunes come, letting go, we wean ourselves away from the quicksand of habit. We grow fearless, students of life, learning to bow and bring forth these gifts, like diamonds from coal in the quiet eternity within us. Therein, we hear the timeless hymn of unspoken love.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2017-05-21 Go To The Roots of Trees 15:48
Ayya Medhanandi
Whether we live as laity or in a monastery, there is a sacred path open for all to explore. Yet few would brave its fierce tests. How we train and incline the mind will naturally determine our spiritual growth. So the Buddha encouraged us to go to the forest, to seek seclusion from devices, worldly concerns and attachments. These cannot rescue us from mental sufferings; nor from ageing, disease or dying. . . because it’s about pure love – an unearthly love that never dies – and the gift of true safety, peace, and transcendent awareness of our true nature. As this knowing dawns in the heart, we are freed from every kind of suffering. No riches, no power, nothing in this wide universe can offer such blessings.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-12-10 The Novice With An Empty Bowl 24:50
Ayya Medhanandi
A humble novice with his bowl empty exemplifies where true riches lie in this world. Meditating deep in the unchartered borders within, gain those riches by giving up worldly pursuits. See the value of what is true and what reveals the truth to us. Beyond confusion, beyond wanting, beyond harmful ways of being, purify the mind and seek that jewel of the heart's true peace, clear and free.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-11-13 Saving Grace 23:04
Ayya Medhanandi
The Buddha offers us an extraordinary medicine – the medicine of Truth. No one can take it for us nor can we take it for anyone else. And we discover it through our own wisdom, love, and compassion. We are the surgeon and the Dhamma is our saving grace. Even in the midst of the raging fires of the world or the fires of greed, hatred and delusion within us, we gain a foothold to the heart's peace.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-10-14 We Are Stronger Than We Know: The Truth About Trauma 30:14
Ayya Medhanandi
Practice wise attention, train in right view, and see things as they are. Touch the fires of trauma and rise from their ashes. Attend to ancient hurts with conscious full-hearted forgiveness. As we disown these old karmas, we augment the higher frequency and pure vibration of loving-kindness. It’s unconditional and ownerless. So the inner fires gradually cool and reveal the Unconditioned. Seeing the truth of the moment we undo all the untruths of the past.
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

2016-08-14 Reading: Sayadaw U Pandita – Mother Hen 12:16
Ayya Medhanandi
Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) Retreat
Sati Saraniya Hermitage

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